Family Posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

West Piney Girls Camp

I volunteer with the youth in my church congregation, and had the opportunity to participate in a couple days of Girls' Camp this year. I was kind of a tag-along, and just helped where I could, but many of the other leaders had spent hours packing and preparing food, crafts, and other supplies to bring. I did become an unofficial hair-braider, which made me feel useful.

During our hike, we made several crossings of rivers. Most of the time, the male leaders who volunteered to come for a while stood in the biting cold mountain water, put down logs or rocks, and helped us cross without getting wet. At the last crossing, we moved before the brethren got there, so we rolled up our jeans, pulled of our shoes and socks, and went across in pairs. I practically froze in place about two steps in, and felt like I was pulling down the dear sister who went across with me. I would have gone back if that'd been an option. I'm amazed by the early pioneers who crossed numerous rivers, especially the women folk in the long dresses that stayed wet for hours.

I loved being at camp, and was sorry to go home and back to work when I did. I did go down the slide, though. Thanks everyone, for making West Piney a great experience this year. I got all sorts of great swag, delicious food, testimony building scripture experiences, and was surrounded by amazing women and girls. I sure do love girls' camp.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Johnsons Gather for Mothers

C. Brent and Grandma Johnson Family; May 2012

My parents came to a wedding reception in Idaho, so I travelled back with them and stayed for the weekend. Zak drove down on Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day with us at Grandma J's house. I enjoyed spending time with my brothers at home and at the park, where we actually played soccer. This is a big deal, because family bonding time with me is pretty much a sedentary activity.

Mother's Day can be difficult for Grandma, as that was when Grandpa died. She let us know that this year she'd like to have everyone around her to celebrate. For the love of mothers, all but those whom the military keeps sending away were able to gather and eat delicious food. Thanks be to mothers and all they do to keep families together.

My uncle posed for that top shot. Just sayin'.  

Grandma J and her brother

Nicole in front of Winifred