Family Posts

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Photo Scavenger Hunt

About three years ago, Zak and I wrote a bunch of family activity ideas on scraps of paper, which went into the Winnie the Pooh and Piglet cookie jar Uncle Cohen gave us. We don't do the activities especially often, so we still have dozens left. Last week, we picked "photo scavenger hunt" from the jar, and decided to make it our family home activity for the week.

We wrote down several items we expected to find around the neighborhood, and split into groups of two. Finding a flag was a little tricky (although Zak reminded me that most mailboxes have flags). The hardest item was sidewalk chalk. We had drawn with ours earlier in the day, so I didn't think anything of it when we wrote the list, but it rained this morning, and there aren't many kids in our neighborhood, so Daddy and Mr C ended up using the art we drew on the upstairs neighbor's portion of the driveway, and Miss V and I drew some art on our next-door neighbor's sidewalk. (We had a rule that the pictures couldn't be of our yard.)

The boys beat Miss V and me home, so they won. Everyone had fun, and we got some exercise along the way (vehicles were not allowed). Definitely worth doing, to explore our neighborhood from another perspective.

White wooden fence

Zak said it's wooden on the inside

Fire hydrant

Animal (real or decorative)
Purple flowers
Fruit trees


Sidewalk chalk

A pattern

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