Family Posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Moving to SLC

Grandpa Hooper with sleepy Mr C
Last year a former co-worker of Zak's contacted him several times to recruit him to work at a new company. They made an initial offer earlier in the year, but it didn't work for our family, so Zak continued at his current job. Later, they gave another offer, which they had managed by rearranging some responsibilities and roles. This time it seemed like a welcome change for Zak that would allow our family to stay where we were.

His second day at the new job shortly after New Year's, I returned home from play group with the kids and found out the main owner and investor at the company had not approved the hire, and so they laid him off. Day two. At least we hadn't relocated for this job. His previous employers had told him he would be welcomed back if he ever wanted to return to Aquamira, but Zak thought he should look at other opportunities.

He spent some time on his personal portfolio website,, and applied for several positions. Because he has about ten years of experience in his field, as well as being amazing, many of the jobs around Cache Valley were for lower level positions that wouldn't pay what he deserves. We decided he should apply for jobs around Salt Lake and Provo. After a few phone, video, and in-person interviews two companies seemed interested, and one ended up making an offer. We discussed it and prayed about the decision, and decided to accept the offer. He had a start date at Master Control for March 5 in Cottonwood Heights.

Last morning in our old house. The kids were good sports and slept on foam pads because we'd packed up their beds.
During the two months between paychecks blessings poured on us. We had our 3-6 month emergency savings mostly funded, and Zak had some freelance work already started, so he could focus on that instead of worrying.

It took several trips down to Salt Lake before we found an apartment we liked at a reasonable price that had a decent school, since Miss V will be starting kindergarten in the fall. And then that apartment went to someone else. So...another trip later we found one at a slightly better price and quickly applied for the basement apartment of a home in an established neighborhood. During these trips, the kids were very good sports, and we had some fun together at restaurants and the mall.

Because of the housing delay, we didn't end up signing for the apartment until the Saturday night before Zak started, and my parents watched the kids while we signed papers and went on a date. Zak pulled one load of stuff in our little trailer Sunday evening, and the kids and I were left to finish packing and cleaning until he returned Friday after work. Besides scout camps and girls' camps, we haven't been apart much in our marriage. Fortunately, I could still call him and send videos, but he left the wifi with us, so he didn't have much internet, and I had limited myself on phone minutes.

I did feel overwhelmed after writing a to-do list and realizing how much I had left to do. So many of our friends, family, and neighbors offered to help with the kids, cleaning, packing, and moving. My young women gave me a farewell card and orchid! Even though we had to give our goodbyes to friends from church, play group, and preschool, we felt so loved. Our financial needs were met, and I got the emotional and physical help I needed throughout the process. Saturday morning and afternoon we had people in pretty much every room of our house scrubbing walls, windows, and vacuuming.

We gave away several pieces of furniture (most were items given to us for free), and sold a few pieces online. Because our housing dimensions were going from 1700 square feet to about 950 square feet, seeing the furniture go to their new homes brought waves of relief. I'd admired tiny house living for a while, and we wanted to be responsible with money and save for a house downpayment, so I think we've picked a good place. It took another load in our little utility trailer, Grandpa's large utility trailer, Dad Porter's truck, Dad Hooper's Tahoe, my minivan, and the 4Runner, but we managed to fit everything. I still have a dishwasher, my washer and dryer, and room for some food storage.

Our new basement apartment
Three weeks in we've unpacked and found places for most items. Because of some family events, we've only made it to our new church congregation one time, but we're looking forward to getting to know our neighbors.

I unpacked and cleaned the kitchen. The rest of the family room still has boxes.

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