Family Posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Zak, or Husband as I like to call him, works normally at 6:00 A.M. as a creative illustrator/graphic designer.  Starting last Thursday he's been doing mandatory overtime at the yearbook company during the busy season.  We're both going to school, so he gets his overtime by going to work an hour early at this point.  To spend more time with him, my alarm goes off a few minutes before his, and we eat breakfast together.  Some mornings I fall back asleep before class, but others I wake up and get started with projects after he leaves. I'll be graduating next month (May 2011) with a Bachelor's Degree in International Studies.

I'm not sure if I should write a long post, or a few short ones.  Which do people prefer?

My full name is Nicole Alice Hooper Porter.  I'm the first from my family of five kids to marry, so I set a precedent, and kept my maiden name as a middle, not as a hyphenated name, which would have been the bane of Dad's and Zak's existence I am sure.  The family history site I use most, as I don't have, is  Family members on both sides of the family have already done research many generations back to England, Scotland, and Ireland (yes, Dad, Ireland), but I am only now discovering these historical family members and their stories, and searching for those yet unknown.

Some highlights I hope to share are Susannah North Martin, hung as part of the Salem Witch Trials; the family "scandal" of a mysterious biological great-grandfather John Marshall Sharp; and Henry O'Neill, who left Ireland, married and had children in Canada, and was buried in Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started this blog sis! Can't wait to read more.
